The Place of Snake Rings in Contemporary Jewelry: A Critical Review


In contemporary jewelry, snake rings occupy a unique place as a symbol with a rich history and complex meaning. They have been embraced by both traditional and modern jewelry designers, and are popular among a range of consumers. In this article, we will provide a critical review of the place of snake rings in contemporary jewelry.


snake ring

Symbolism and Meaning


One of the key appeals of snake rings is their rich symbolism and meaning. As we have previously explored, they have been used as a symbol of transformation, self-discovery, and empowerment, among other things. This symbolism has long been appreciated by jewelry designers and consumers alike, and has contributed to the enduring popularity of snake rings.


However, some critics argue that the symbolism of snake rings has become overused and commodified, with many designers and retailers using it purely for commercial gain. They argue that the true meaning and power of snake rings has been diluted through this commodification, and that they have lost their original spiritual and cultural significance.


Design and Craftsmanship


Snake rings also occupy a unique place in contemporary jewelry based on their design and craftsmanship. They are often highly intricate and detailed, requiring a high level of skill and craftsmanship to create. This has led to many beautiful and unique designs, which are appreciated by both collectors and fashion enthusiasts.


However, some critics argue that the complexity of snake rings can also be a disadvantage. They argue that some designers focus too much on the intricate details of the snake, leading to a lack of attention to other aspects of the design. This can lead to an overwhelming or cluttered look, which detracts from the overall aesthetic of the piece.


Cultural Appropriation


Another important issue to consider when examining the place of snake rings in contemporary jewelry is the issue of cultural appropriation. Snake rings have a long history of symbolism and meaning in many cultures, and some argue that the appropriation of this symbolism by Western jewelry designers is disrespectful and harmful.


Critics have raised the issue of cultural appropriation surrounding the use of snake rings in Western jewelry design. They argue that designers often fail to fully understand or appreciate the cultural significance of these symbols, leading to their improper usage and perpetuating cultural theft. It is important for designers to educate themselves on the history and meaning of these symbols and ensure that they are used in a respectful and appropriate manner. This includes acknowledging their origins and the culture from which they come, as well as giving credit where credit is due. By doing so, designers can avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes and instead honor the rich cultural traditions that inform these designs.




In conclusion, the place of snake rings in contemporary jewelry is a complex one, with many different factors to consider. The rich symbolism and meaning of snake rings has made them a popular choice among designers and consumers alike, but this symbolism has also been criticized for being overused and commodified.


The intricate designs and craftsmanship of snake rings have led to many beautiful and unique pieces of jewelry, but this complexity can also be a disadvantage if it detracts from the overall aesthetic of the piece. Finally, the issue of cultural appropriation is an important one to consider, and designers should work to ensure that they are using symbols in a respectful and appropriate way.


Ultimately, the place of snake rings in contemporary jewelry is a reflection of their enduring popularity and cultural significance. However, as with any symbol or design, it is important to approach them with sensitivity and respect, in order to fully appreciate their meaning and significance.




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